

Abdoulie Justice Sanneh has been featured as star of the month in my gambia for his uprisin expertise and credibility as restaurant and bar owner. Justice, in his teenage years, stayed in the barracks in Fajara with his brother who was a soldier, but as much as everybody thought he would become one as well he, in his own words, wanted things to be straight, that he does not compromise and that he didn't fit in with the army culture. Luckily he found a path and industry where he would excel at and love every bit of it. He started his journey in hospitality as a waiter for 10 years before he became a restaurant owner,  learning from every manager as much as he could.


Justice: When people like your food, they will come back, but if the second time the food isn't tasting the same, they will run away and never come back


Justice is different here we want both tourists and gambians to enjoy the food, here there is something for all on the menu, but Justice believes in quality not quantity, that's why he keeps his menu small but there is always something for everybody to enjoy. Justice wants all his clients to come back to enjoy the food, he wants his guests to feel real hospitality, nice service, tasteful food and a relaxed atmosphere. Justice: "I am trying to translate all my experience into my service. I don't want to only operate for one season, I really work hard every day to become a second home for all my guests.


Justice: You don't always need to hire people to do thing for you. If you can do it yourself, use your own hands to do it.


Justice: "I believe it is really important to be able to do a lot of things yourself, you don't always have to hire people to do things for you. I did all the work for the restaurant, painting, gardening, setting up up all the tables and organizing the kitchen. I am so happy I can do a lot of things myself, it makes you strong and independant as a business owner in The Gambia.


Keep their advice and keep on working hard. I always say: "Where I am from is harder than where I am going to"


Justice: "Always listen to the elderly, they have experienced things before you. Everybody has their own dreams and goals. Just keep on pushing yourself, one day it will be your time. But don't close your eyes and ears. Listen to the people who struggled their way up before you. They already have walked the way you want to walk. Keep their advice and keep on working hard. In the coming years I want to focus on my restaurant. Many people now think I am a rich man because i run a restaurant, I can say that I am not. But I hope my restaurant grows into a solid business in the coming years. And with hard work and dedication I hope one day to open Justice hotel. Step by Step.