Christmas celebrations

In Justice bar & restaurant we love to celebrate your holidays with you, on Christmas we prepare a special menu the season and make a beautiful setting where you can celebrate the holidays with your family and friends.

Do you want to celebrate the holidays with your family here? Book your table now, contact justice through WhatsApp or through phone.

If you make a reservation please try to arrive on time, if you can't make it please let us know otherwise we will have to cancel the reservation one hour after.

New years' celebrations

It's the time for a very special day, new years! For this day we always do something special in our Bar & Restaurant, come celebrate the new years with us and enjoy the fireworks from the terrace with some nice drinks and delicious food.

Make sure to book your table in advance to make sure we have a table for you, and enjoy the sphere. Do make sure you come on time for your reservation, we will cancel it one hour after the dedicated time if you do not let us know if you'll come later.

Contact us through phone or by WhatsApp so we can organize a nice table for you.


It's the magical time of the year again, the time you and your most beloved come together for a romantic dinner. Maybe you want to surprise her with bringing her out to eat by our bar & restaurant, and would want a gift prepared for her as you arrive and surprise her. Book your table in advance and if you have any special requests pick up contact with us we are always ready to make this romantic holiday even more romantic for you.

We'll set a table ready for you and prepare everything for you so that when you arrive you will be just as surprised as her or him. Book your table now, contact justice through WhatsApp,  email, phone or pass by the restaurant and talk to our friendly staff

Other events and reservations

Do you have anything else to celebrate, a marriage anniversary a surprise for your loved ones, baby Shower, graduated or engaged. We can make it possible for you, contact us with what you have to celebrate and we'll make it possible for you.

Do you want to make sure we have a table for you on a busy night or a festive day? contact us to make a reservation and we'll prepare a table specially for you.